TECHBEE is a authorized partner of logitech, Do you need to know logitech video conferencing product price in dubai, UAE, check our website. we provide complete products of logitech video conferencing in dubai, UAE. To get the most out of your medium and large meeting rooms, you need a video conferencing solution that adapts to your space. These meetings rooms are where critical decisions are made, important presentations are executed, and global relationship are built. Logitech offers modular solutions that can be configured to accommodate the shape or layout of your room. And Logitech RightSense technologies make better meetings easy and automatic, ensuring every person in the room can be seen and heard.
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Logitech Conference Cam BCC950
900 AED
[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”2942″ img_size=”medium”][vc_column_text]
Logitech Conference RALLY PLUS
9999 AED
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Logitech GROUP Video conferencing
2900 AED
[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”2923″ img_size=”medium”][vc_column_text]
Logitech Conference Cam MEETUP
2950 AED
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_empty_space height=”75px”][vc_single_image image=”3055″ img_size=”medium”][vc_column_text]
Logitech Conference RALLY System
8000 AED
[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”3008″ img_size=”medium”][vc_column_text]
Logitech Tap
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TECHBEE providing complete logitech products in UAE, pleasse check our website to know Logitech Video Conferencing Product Price in Dubai. The modern workplace is all about collaboration. Logitech advanced video conferencing solutions let your teams talk, share files and screens, and whiteboard ideas. Make your meetings seamless, productive, and fun. To get the most out of your medium and large meeting rooms, you need a video conferencing solution that adapts to your space. These meetings rooms are where critical decisions are made, important presentations are executed, and global relationship are built. Logitech offers modular solutions that can be configured to accommodate the shape or layout of your room. And Logitech RightSense technologies make better meetings easy and automatic, ensuring every person in the room can be seen and heard.
Logitech partner with the most popular video conferencing platforms: Microsoft Teams, Skype for Business, Zoom, Google Meet, WebEx and others. Our integrated solutions help keep your hard-working teams connected. Logitech Video Conferencing System gives you an HD video camera and clear audio speaker phone. TECHBEE is the leading company of video conferencing in dubai. Learn more about the newest Logitech products, the latest video conferencing and collaboration technology and trends, and practical ways to improve your video conferencing experience.
Innovation has made things a lot simpler in the business world. Video conferencing systems are one of the incredible instruments that video and sound broadcast communications use to unite individuals in better places. Usually, the video centers around individuals, permitting them to see the effect of their thoughts. Utilizing planes, trains, and vehicles to meet individuals is the old way. Dubai, the city of high rises, ports, and seashores where business happens joined with sun-chasing the travel industry, has received this new style and consolidated a video conferencing system as a type of virtual meetings. The inquiry presently is the thing that precisely is a video conferencing system, and how is it utilized in Dubai. Great! Take as much time as is needed! How about we take it gradually. Videoconferencing is planned expressly for conferencing purposes, particularly in large organizations regarding colleagues abroad and likely clients in another piece of the existence where the subject of the meeting is far away. It is for vast and little meetings of organizations and companies in which you set aside time and cash by voyaging and meeting potential clients elsewhere. It permits numerous conferencing, simultaneously with the remainder of the board, permitting correspondence and consistent contact simultaneously, rather than moving between various persons or starting with one spot then onto the next. Video conferencing is presently an occupation and a severe deal, yet additionally part of the gathering and correspondence among society and the remainder of the individuals.